Friday 25 April 2014

Trade Secrets

Every company who prepares to start a business has its trade secrets.

There will always be competition, but you need to have something unique that your competition does not need to know about. These are trade secrets.

It is very important for you to keep these trade secrets in tact when you are presenting your venture to venture capitalists. The main thing you need to keep in mind is that your competitors have their investors also.

This can make searching for your investor a mine field. How do you keep your trade secrets secret? Simple, you need to request the prospective investor to sign a nondisclosure agreement. Trade secrets are very important for any entrepreneur.

Think about it. You have a secret idea of a product that you know will be very popular, and your competitor’s investor gets a hold of it and starts putting millions of dollars into it and gives it to your competitor. You will not be able to compete.

This is why nondisclosure agreements are important and essential to protecting your trade secrets.

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