Friday 25 April 2014

Do Investors Want to See Your Business Plan?

You have a good business plan, and you are ready to make contact with a prospective investor.

Do prospective investors want to see your business plan?

Well, the answer is yes and no.

 A business plan is a serious document and a well thought out business plan which is also well researched has lots of information and investors are very busy people and do not have the time to read the entire plan.

Furthermore, your complete business plan contains all your commercial secrets, intellectual property, patents and other product secrets, which you would not want your competitors to gain access to, so the business plan needs to be done in three versions.

The first version is an executive summary, which is in general a stand-alone document that is one to three pages.

The executive summary is a short form of your business plan that explains the highlights of your business plan.

You should keep in mind that the executive summary may be requested by some investors right away, but in most cases, you will want to send a prospective investor a teaser e-mail first.

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