Friday 25 April 2014

The Complete Business Plan

The complete business plan is the main road map of your company and how you go about executing the business actions and your plan of attack.

Your business plan is the last thing you need to show the investor, and the time to show this to your investor is only when the investor is serious about making a deal.

This is the most important document of your business, and you should guard it with your life.

You definitely do not want your competitors to gain access to your complete business plan, since it has everything you have to beat the competition or to manage strong barriers of entry.

Some of the information that you have on your complete business plan can be the type of information that your competition will die for.

This is why your complete business plan needs to be the most closely guarded secret in your business. You should also hire legal counsel who is competent in writing nondisclosure agreements that you should convince your investor to sign before revealing your complete business plan.

A nondisclosure agreement is a legal binding document, and it can safeguard your trade secrets, intellectual property and patents.

Remember, if you do everything right and you make sure that investors you contact have the industry preference, geographic preference and stage preference that matches your company, you can raise the much needed capital for your company, and you can do it.

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